The Beginner's Guide to Finding Your Side Hustle

The Beginner's Guide to Finding Your Side Hustle

Have you ever found yourself staring at your bank account, wondering how it's possible that you've been working 50 or more hours per week for years and yet you're still going to barely make rent? Or maybe you're fine with rent, and bills, but you just want some extra cash to splurge on those fancy avocado toasts in the new restaurant that opened up around the corner?

Whatever the reason you're low on cash, fear not friends. We have a beginner's guide to finding side hustles that will make you feel like a millionaire (or at least, like you can afford an extra lattes).

So without further ado, let's jump into our first section.

What Are You Good At?

Now, I know what you`re thinking... "I like a lot of stuff, but I'm probably not really good at anything." Ok, now silence your inner hater for a minute:

Everyone has something they're good at.

Whether it's drawing, fixing things, driving, walking, being really organized or even knowing all the best coffee shops in town... everyone is good at something.

Take some time to think about your abilities and feelings. Are you great at social media? Can you make an average batch of cookies? Do you love dogs more than anything else? Or cats?

Once youve figured out what youre good at (or at least, what you want to do), we can move on (you can also search for ideas, there are plenty of them out there... we won't judge.)

Do Your Research

Now that you have an idea of what you want to do, it's time to figure out what kind of side hustles are out there that fit your skills and passions.

Some popular options include freelance writing, pet-sitting, and online tutoring... but don't limit yourself. Look up websites like Upwork or TaskRabbit for inspiration. Who knows, you might find your dream side hustle in the most unexpected place.

(A quick note for those of you who are tempted to start a multi-level marketing plan: please don`t. Not only are they often scams, but they're also incredibly difficult and annoying.)

Think Outside The Box

Ok, you've done some research and you're still not finding anything that screams "I'M THE PERFECT SIDE HUSTLE!" Don't despair.

Do you have a car? Consider signing up for a ride-sharing service. Do you love cleaning? Offer your services as a housekeeper. The options are truly endless.

One of the keys to finding a successful side hustle is to think about what people in your community might be willing to pay for. Maybe there's a need for a personal chef or a snow-shoveler in your neighborhood. Whatever it is, make sure you're taking advantage of the market demand.

Put Yourself Out There

So you've found your perfect side hustle... Now what? Get out there and start promoting your services.

First, make sure you have some sort of online presence. Create a website or social media page dedicated to your side hustle. Make sure you have clear information about what you offer and how people can get in touch with you.

Next, consider joining local Facebook groups or community pages to promote your services. Ask your friends and family to spread the word. Heck, go old school and make some flyers to post around your neighborhood.

The key is to be persistent. Things usually won't happen overnight, but with a little hard work and dedication, you`ll be on your way in no time.


And there you have it folks, the beginner's guide to finding side hustles. Remember, the key is to figure out what you're good at, do your research, think outside the box, and put yourself out there.

As a final note, please don't fall for any "get rich quick" schemes. Side hustles take time and effort, but the pay-off is worth it in the end.

So get out there and start hustling, my friends. Your bank account will thank you.

Key Takeaways

  • Figure out what you're good at and passionate about.
  • Do your research on what kind of side hustles are available.
  • Think outside the box and consider market demand.
  • Put yourself out there and promote your services.
  • Avoid any get-rich-quick schemes.

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